Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Mix Media Drawing

Micro Pens colored digitally.

Never Limit Yourself

The town I live in

Charcoal on paper.

Flying House

Playing with line work.


I was just playing with patterns.

Just another small town

I had to borrow this photo from a fellow blogger and illustrated it. The story behind this is that no matter where you are at, there is always an Mexican food place like this. The photo you are looking at happens to be in the mission district in San Francisco but the it just as well be in East Los Angeles.

'Owl-tac-u-lar' day in 'Slow Motion'

I would like this on a t-shirt like right now!

 Just one of those days.


Friday, June 25, 2010

Out with the new inn with the old

I don't know why I didn't use this sooner. When I first started this personal art blog more than a year ago I was not sure what banner to use. I did about six and this was my favorite. I used it for a couple of weeks. Than I got into graphic design and wanted something clean. But I'm going back to this one. Seems a bit more personal. Not as constrained as a block of simple text.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Blast from the past

So when I first started painting I was deeply involved with the ‘Chicano Art’ scene. For those who are unfamiliar with ‘Chicano Art’ it is a genre of art that was sparked by racist galleries and museums in the 1970s’ refusing to display Latino art. Artists like Gronk, Carlos Almaraz, and Frank Romero stood up for their movement and protested, created, and hustled till they were recognized for who they were. Many times their art reflected the ‘Chicano Movement’ of the 1960s’. I loved it and still do to a degree. The bright colors and landscapes of ‘La Vida’ that I could instantly relate to. In a computer driven society where there is more information available to the mass public we get distracted with social networking and celebrity gossip. I have my share of hours on tumblr, facebook, hulu, netflix, and whatever else catches my short attention span for the day. Let’s just put it this way if those sites were a class I would have an A: not proud of it. So before the internet and before all those other sites I use to read a lot. Books that were 1000+ pages of just greatness. I drew off of inspiration and such. Mind people I was just starting to paint back then and treated my brushes and paint pretty rough.

           Whittier Blvd. is the heart of East Los Angeles and tend to be a subject that is reoccurring in some of my work. This is the first piece of art I ever did. I traced a picture from a dentist ad and sliced it out with an xacto. This what the result.

     This piece was for ‘Dia de Los Muertos’ and was displayed at ‘Self Help Graphics and Art’ back in 2002 or 2003. I can’t quiet remember. I had pictures of the event but they were lost in a epic computer crash in 2005.

     This was done just for fun. Before I knew what color theory was I explored it. I didn’t even know what a color wheel was. This was done with the left over paints from the ‘Dia de Los Muertos’ piece I did. I uses a ‘Patssi Valdez’ piece as inspiration.

    Keeping up with colorful pieces this was a secret heart I painted as a rocket. Representing the growth of love and passion.

      This was the first time I used oils. It is a heart with wing done on canvas back in 2005.

    Another piece I did for a ‘Dia de Los Muertos’ show in Pasadena back in 2003. I painted over what use to be a bar in the back ground.

    Another look at ‘Whittier Blvd’

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

What's in my pocket?

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Went on a ScribblerToo binge on night(equals)Epic post

Below and the fake tears series below the bird are for fun, after that is a series I did as homage to the 'Scary Stories' books I read as a kid. After that I am just playing with more words. Notice I say "Goodbye Fall, Hello Spring." It is a joke because I live in Southern California where some years it feels like there is no winter. The last two are homage to Lewis Carroll, not Tim Burton. http://www.zefrank.com/scribbler/scribblertoo/

Just for fun

Untitled 2010

In the making aka still procrastinating to finish it

My latest painting titled “Héroes Latinos,Latino Heroes”
Rivera, Orozco, and Siqueiros

Friday, March 19, 2010

Los Angeles series

Friday, January 1, 2010

2010 part 2

Happy New Years